Here are our quick tips on how to prep your home before the storm rolls through:
1.) Clear your gutters and roof. If you have any leaves or debris filling your gutters, it'll potentially cause water to build up and seep underneath your roof’s shingles, causing a leak. Cleaning branches and debris off your roof and out of your gutters will enable your roofing system to function properly during the storm.
2.) Clear weak limbs and trim trees within 10 feet of your home. You’ll limit the amount of debris that could fall on your roof, and potentially prevent a puncture from a fallen branch. You should also consider bringing any loose outdoor furniture, potted plants, or lawn ornaments inside if you can.
3.) Review your homeowner’s insurance policy so you know what’s covered and what isn’t. That way, if worse comes to worse, you know what to anticipate.
And, finally, if you do experience an issue, consider contacting a roofing professional for a temporary fix to get you through the storm.
At Retex Roofing & Exteriors, we provide emergency tarping services to provide an immediate solution and peace of mind while preventing further damage inside your home. Give us a call at 804-258-6300 if you need help during or post-storm.
Noticed a newfound leak during the storm?
Check out the following video to learn about the five most-common causes of roof leaks.
And if you're in the Richmond, VA region, give us a call for a complimentary estimate so we can assess your roof and grant you peace of mind as soon as possible.